Energetic Dynamics in the socio-emotive sphere – Reflections & Counter-Intuitive Insights on the Law of Attraction, Predetermination – Life – Humanity

Energetic Dynamics in the socio-emotive sphere

Reflections on the Law of Attraction, Predetermination & Humanity


How about a little philosophical sidetrack today? (:


Here we go:

I believe that the inactivate strings within our physiology’s DNA hold the potential (not yet-actualized) energy that is capable to reignite our innate gifts, talents and life-affirming patterns that have been sidelined, repressed or suppressed (internally or externally) throughout the last centuries.

Suppressed by what or whom? You ask.

Well, basically by ALL of Humanity – or at least a large portion of humanity.

And I believe that everyone, who goes through great struggles (trials & tribulations) in life, is being thrown into difficult waters, because their true core — their soul signature — is so very powerful that it naturally attracts forces that try to manipulate and diminish the light within…

Now, this doesn’t mean that the things that happen in life (traumas, karmic wounds, accidents, losses and so on… (the list is endless)) are fine and everything just happens for a reason anyway, so we should force ourselves to be happy and gleefully enthusiastic all the time.

No — this is not how the process of life and evolution works.

How it works, is more along the lines of natural unfoldment without suppressing the feelings that we feel and the emotions that propel us into a certain direction.

Of course, awareness and intent are important ingredients in the soup of creation, so we have those elements to make use of. At least to some degree. Right?

And the thought or knowingness that you are going through major difficulties is not because you are somehow punished by the universe, but rather it is due to the foundational, often uncomfortable laws of the universe:

For instance, the analogy of magnets attracting and repelling each other, makes sense to everyone;


  • Positive attracts negative or negative attracts positive;
  • But the reverse is true as well: Like attracts like (pos. — pos.; neg. — neg.) – as the spiritual ‘law of attraction’ would suggest

Complex Energetic Dynamics are behind every action, interaction, thought, emotion and process…

Everything is driven by the energetic dynamics behind the scenes. The torus-fields, the frequential waves, the fluctuating, pulsating, free-flowing, non-visible forms that are powering our universe and our planet are something that our human brain will never fully understand.

That’s at least what I believe, right now, at this moment. Maybe that perspective will change…

What I want to say is that the dynamics of positive attracts positive and negative attracts positive – though they appear to be head-on contradictions birthing a baby called ‘conundrum’ – appear to be both equally valid.

As if yes and no were both possible answers, possible potentials and therefore truths… within the cosmically complex frequential reality of all that is.

Ok, I hope I haven’t lost you already – if you’re still on board, then let’s clarify some of the confusion that might have popped up now.

Let’s look at it through the lens of socio-emotive practicality (fancy-pants word, huh? I like it!)

Transferred to the socio-emotive sphere…

…we could say (as an example):

A person with an authentic, heartfelt love for animals and their kingdom attracts people with the same attitude; true – but!

Simultaneously, it also attracts the polar opposite, and people, who view animals as less than humans or even have an outspoken hate towards animals (or who go hunting for ‘joy’) will just as much feel this energy of the person who promotes love for animals.

The only difference is that the opposition will feel the energetic signature the person carries (towards a certain cause, thing, field of interest or issue) in a repelling, negative-emotions-triggering (maybe even ‘threatening’) manner.

While the individuals, who concur with that person’s viewpoint & heart-centered stance on the topic, will feel an uplifting, positive-emotions-triggering energy. 

Or! A third case could be:

The people, who coincide with the proposed viewpoint, will feel triggered by the people, who do not go along with their stream of consciousness.

Which would make us aware of a fourth possible scenario:

The individuals, who get repelled by the person’s viewpoint get triggered, but as time goes on, they feel the need to go inside and contemplate upon the ‘opponent’s’ view on reality and they may find that there is some value, which they haven’t considered before, to be found in the proposed ideas.

To summarize, we can say that the brighter the flame becomes (or the more uncovered), the more light is being radiated outwards, which creates more positivity.

But at the same time, the brighter the flame shines, the more darkness will feel the urge to check out that flame — gravitating towards the light like flies towards a light bulb.

The motifs and intents of the shadow aspects of humanity are widely fluctuating of course. And this oftentimes makes it rather difficult to decipher which motif is stemming from a willful negatively oriented paradigm and which one is actually coming from a place of deep unawareness, unconsciousness or stupidity.

This leads to another point to consider: I don’t believe in the absolution of the law of attraction in the human realms (far from it), but I believe it exists in completion in the “upper realms”;

our soul’s desires and propensities are in large part the driving forces behind our experiences and certain things seem to be already predetermined to happen, no matter what (the spiritual community might claim).


The higher you go up, in terms of dimensional membranes, the more predeterminate the universe becomes.

So, in a way, we could say that on another plane of frequential existence, everything is already carved out — every detail of the big Gaian marble sculpture is already planned out fully and chiseled into its finished form. 

It just is the case, at this very moment in earthly time, that we do not see that fully fleshed out, finished form. We are oblivious to the totality of the sculpture.

At least most of us are – I’m sure there are hyper-aware yogis and enlightened masters walking the surface of mother Gaia – but we will probably never see them, as they wouldn’t want to come in contact with the established society.

They are probably blissed out – sitting under a tree on top of a mountain, somewhere, where nobody will ever find them or disturb their peace & connection to the higher membranes of the cosmic flux. Their earthbound desires might very well be fully and completely suspended, meaning:

They vanished and their anchors to the stars and the higher realms is now the only thing that matters.

That’s at least what I believe and feel to be true.

Anyway, these are some of the thoughts that came up today!


This is my perspective, and I’m always open and curious to other people’s insights and perspectives, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comment-section below! (:

Have a blessed day & stay creative!

– Your quirky artist,



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