The Magical Ingredient for a Personalized Artwork Is…
You are the magical ingredient (or choose a different word if you feel ‘ingredient’ sounds too much like being cooked…)
You, the customer — but more so: the appreciator and owner of soulful artworks — have more power in the actual outcome and process of a personalized artwork than you think.
Sure, the artist connects with her creation on a deep level, fostering both an emotional thread between art and creator as well as infusing the piece with the energy of her soul…
But! (And that’s a big but!)
The finished artwork is only as valuable as it is perceived by someone.
In this case, the perception stems mostly from the artist and you.
The process itself will change and adapt to your own needs if you hire an artist for a specific commission (let’s say a quirky illustration of your cat or dog).
The Process of Creating Personalized Artwork
Depending on your aesthetic needs, artistic desires and first and foremost your unique vision — the process will transform into a metaphysical, collaborative experience.
The metaphysical aspects stem from the dancing energy of entwined goals and perceptual realities: Your reality is not 100% the reality of someone else, though there are (and should be) layers that naturally overlap with each other. You bring something new to the table by simply being you — and so does the other person.
This, by the way, applies not only to the art-making-process. In fact, any kind of discussion, communicative interaction or collaboration fosters (or should foster) the energy of mutual respect, appreciation and wholeness. Through the exchange of ideas and perspectives — built upon the foundation of mutual appreciation — each participant in the (creative) process gains valuable insights about a plethora of things, amongst others:
- The other person gains insights about you
- You gain insights about the other person
- The other person gains insights about themselves
- You gain insights about yourself
- Both gain insights about the creative process at hand (how it unfolds, what materials are to be used, what ideas will be implemented etc.)
- Both gain insights about the ‘needs of the artwork’ at hand… e.g. what shapes, colors, paper size should the final result include? Where will it be placed/hanged? Is it for someone else/a gift? etc.
In conversation, realizations coupled with questions along the following lines might arise:
“Adding intersecting circular shapes in the background is a nice idea but does it complement the overall aesthetic/atmosphere? Or is it distracting? I’m not quite sure if it fits the composition as a whole… what do you think?”…
“I’d say based on the colors we chose to go with, it would fit the shapes well but I know what you mean — the middle foreground is focused on a more angular, sharp look — the style probably won’t fit with this motif. How about implementing more ‘cluttered’ elements that have a ‘spikier’ appearance?”…
“Ok. That sounds interesting. But how about something smooth? I would like to see at least one small part of the painting have a round, more circular shape… how about a small robot sitting in the corner? Maybe in the foreground in front of the main motif…”
“A spherical robot… Like a silhouette, hinting at the shape but not revealing it fully?”…
“Yes! That’s exactly what I thought of. Only hinting at what it might be but not immediately recognizable…”
And so on and so forth.
This might be one of many possible dialogues between you and an artist, who you want to hire to get a personalized artwork.
Once the process has started to unravel, almost magically on its own, the main direction and focal points are set, though tools, materials and certain ‘embellishments’ may change along the way. And this is a good thing! It might sound counter-intuitive but actually the following is based in the fields of intuition: The emergence of a new set of ideas (no matter how miniscule they seem in relation to the ‘big picture’) and the natural unfoldment of new ways of seeing things — aka perspectival shifts — is part of the creative act as well as
The Emotional Value of Personalized Artwork
The exchange of suggestions, ideas and descriptions of emotions will make you feel not only more connected to the final result but also to the road towards that result. And you might look back in the future and cherish the creative interactions and feel a sense of gratitude and contentment that you chose to become part of this journey towards bringing an element of your dreams to life.
As a positive side-effect, you now do not only own a personalized, original art work but you can contribute to the life-affirming inspiration for the whole: With your decision to get a commissioned artwork, you can allow others to take part in your creative journey — both, by others getting the chance to purchase the Art print-version of the work that you commissioned as well as by showcasing the Original in your home/gallery for family and visitors to appreciate.
Now, if you think this is an exaggeration… Think again! Because I truly, unshakably, believe that every artwork, no matter if print or original, exudes a unique quality, an atmosphere — art has its own aura! And by being exposed to beautiful, vibrant artworks we can lift our mood, expand our heart, reignite our own passion and enhance our way of being in the world.
And there is another bonus if you choose to get a commissioned art piece:
Not only do you inspire yourself and others and fulfill your dreams by brining your imagination and wishes to life but you might also realize that your own artistic sensibilities are being awakened in the process of working together with an artist.
Art Is for Everyone
It really doesn’t matter whether you are a mathematician, a programmer, a salesperson, a teacher, a taxi driver, a consultant… or whether you would consider yourself an artist — there is creativity within everyone: It’s the living, breathing, sparkling magical energy of dreams that wants to manifest itself into the real world.
And you can awaken and nurture it through different means.
Working together with an artist to get a personalized art commission is just one of the many ways but if you choose to go with that route, please feel free to contact us or check out or website, malmichart.com!
Discover the perfect touch for your living space with personalized artwork. Find unique art that reflect your style and personality, adding a personal flair to your home décor.