The Little Book Of Big Questions
A collection of questions, aphorisms & insights
Excerpts from the book:
How to use The Little Book Of Big Questions
“Read this book with care and set the intention to understand — not judge — yourself.
Answer the questions in the chapters to follow as detailed as possible and try to look at yourself through the loving eyes of your inner child.
As soon as you notice feelings and sensations of self-judgment, resentment, anger or confusion arise in your consciousness and your body — pause, close your eyes, breathe into your belly and try to imagine a swirling flow of air circling around and into your heart-center.
You can imagine an emerald green light with strands of pink attached to that swirling, healing stream of air. And if you feel comfortable, you can inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds — imagining the green light to enter your heart — and exhale for four seconds.
When you answer the questions in each of the chapters, notice the sensations that come up and specifically try to register the area of your body — and take note of the question that triggers the sensation.
The area of your physical form where a particular response arises can inform you about where more presence and self-love might be needed.
When you write down — or think about — the answers to the questions, do not censor yourself. Do not go back and try to correct them but merely try to become aware of the process at hand, write down everything that comes up in a stream of consciousness manner and move on to the next set of questions.
If you feel like you need more time and mental as well as emotional space for certain questions, you may want to disengage and later engage with the material again.
Try to find a safe-space where you can draw back to and where you feel undisturbed. From there, you can proceed to engage with the material in an honest, self-reflected way.
Certain questions will probably need more reflection and more mental energy than others (as they pertain to the world and society in a broader, interlinked context). For those, you may want to pick out one aspect/element of the question first, before answering all of the implications.
Try to answer by tapping into your own feelings as well as by trying to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. If the other person is fictious or real is only of minor importance. What is important, is that you answer honestly and with the intention to expand your horizon.
Should you notice that your mind is trying to trick you into dismissing your heart’s wisdom by, for instance, proposing a linear-logical solution to a problem that needs a holistic gaze — notice it and write down the exact words that proposition involves.
Then, counterbalance the propositions with words that resonate with your heart.
You can do so in tabular form, or any other way you like.
For some answers, you might not have the right words yet (or never) — maybe drawing comes in handy.
Let your hands and heart give your suggestions on how to express what needs to be expressed.
Maybe — a different approach altogether — you do not want to answer some of the questions with simple prose but in a rhyme or in the form of a fictious story!
Consider incorporating poetry, drawings or little doodles, music (maybe even singing), and other creative forms of expression into your introspective sessions.
With practice, you may find yourself having more fun than you expected — and the whole endeavor becomes more of a form of art-therapy than a series of serious and unhumorous psychotherapy meetings with your shadow or the egoic part of your self.”
The Little Book Of Big Questions aims to inspire all generations currently walking on the surface of the Earth as well as all future generations — may your thoughts feel provoked, may your hearts feel moved, may your spirit be uplifted.
And may the light shine through you, as beautifully, as gracefully and as gloriously as it is meant to be!”
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