
The Emperor – Minos – Powerful Greek Mythology Painting – High Quality Fine Artprint – Chronicles of a Myth – Superb Museum-quality Hahnemühle German Etching Paper – Sizes: A3, A2 – also available as a Fine Canvas Print – painted by Michael Cerny

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Greek Mythology Painting Redefined!

“I love Greek Mythology – and I love Greek Mythology Paintings! Although dating a while back, the myths of Ancient Greece are never getting boring it seems.

But to make these myths even more timeless, I decided to give these characters a modern twist – simply by using mixed-media painting techniques that give the characters a semi-realistic yet striking look.

This painting, like Daedalus and the others, has been created with watercolors, gouache paint, gel & ink pens, alcohol markers and pencils…

After finishing the character, I scan the image with my printer and digitally create the background, the corners (with their cracks, fog and splatters) with an illustration program, with which I can paint digitally and insert text to complement the traditional part of the painting process.

It’s a lot of work, a lot of fun and I hope that it will create a lot of joy for people. That’s all I want with my art – being able to make a living out of it, while inspiring others, uplifting people in need and giving them hope and joy through the timeless power of art & creativity!” – Michael, the artist.

Greek Mythology Paintings are not old-school!

Bored of the same old classical myths, tales and stories?

These artworks are giving the old characterizations and depictions a modern twist, while staying true to the cultural heritage of ancient Greece.

Whether you’re a fan of Greece, old tales, traditional art and the like or whether someone you know has an incessant thirst for mythology and adores art of this style – this is the perfect gift to give to yourself & your loved ones!

Get Emperor Minos as a High Quality Fine Art Print on Museum-quality Archival Hahnemühle German Etching Paper!

Motif: A unique, fresh portrayal of King Minos – a complex figure, here brimming with character and ambiguous depth that urges the viewer to realize the complexity of human character and personality.


A3: 29,7mm x 42,0mm / 11.7 in x 16.5 in

A2: 42 x 59.4 cm / 16.5 x 23.4 in

Get the EPIC CANVAS PRINT Edition that is worthy of an Emperor!

60 x 91 cm / 24 x 36 in (stretched canvas on a 19mm stretcher bar)

Features of the Epic Canvas Print Edition

+ The Canvas Print has the advantage of appearing more monumental and impressive when placed on the wall – not least because of the height of the canvas and the overall size – it’s quite large.

+ The mood of the painting is enhanced by the black edges (the wrap) of the canvas

+ Is handstretched by professional canvas makers by the company ‘prodigi’

+ Affordable without compromising high-quality, detail, craftmanship and color accuracy

+ A great addition in your home to ‘spice up’ boring, monochromous walls as the Artwork was created with a well-balanced, subtle, yet strong color scheme

+ Looks impressive and will draw attention to it, no matter the surroundings


Features of the Hahnemühle Art Print Edition

Paper: Hahnemühle German Etching, Ink printed on High Quality, long-lasting Paper (lasting 100 years or more)

+ High Quality Fine Artprint – Beautiful, Authentic Printing Colors on Long-lasting Paper

+ Gentle, yet vivid colors that enhance every space, fitting basically every occassion and interior design

+ Acid- and lignin-free Art Print

+ Museum quality archival paper for highest age resistance

+ Available in A2 & A3 to fit in every space

+ Paper has a well-defined, felt structure that enhances the presentation


This High Quality Fine Artprint / Canvas Print of a powerful Greek Mythology Painting will grace your home with a unique appearance that was created through mixed-media painting-techniques!


Whatever version you choose to purchase…

We want to thank you for appreciating and supporting Real Art by real human beings! 💚🙏🏼

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Feel the Power of this Greek Mythology Painting of Emperor Minos as a High Quality Artprint!

This unique, fresh portrayal of King Minos (in Michael’s version: Emperor Minos) – a complex figure who already appeared more than 2500 years ago in ancient Greek mythology – brims with character and ambiguous depth that urges the viewer to “look beneath the surface” and realize the complexity of human character and personality.

Minos’ stern gaze through eyes that are weighed by the rigidity of the ego and the worries of the mind stand in stark contrast to his goal-oriented, vigorous posture and fierce demeanor.

Michael wanted to paint a complicated yet inspiring character study:

“The goal was to capture a man whose mind clearly leads with the force of a tyrant yet deep inside he is unsure of himself and his actions…

He is entangled with the pain of the past to the degree that he can’t see his wrong-doings and at the same time he presents himself as a man of diplomacy and clear-minded strategy – all in pretense of having control over his life and emotions (which he has not).

His gaze is directed to the past, while the rest of his body points to the future. His face seems to carry the potential for soulful depth yet his expression is weighed down by the pain he endured as well as the pain he has inflicted upon others… His hair is snow-white, so he appears to be quite old, right?

At the same time his skin and face don’t look too old to me – his appearance is a mixture between all kinds of dualities… ambiguous through and through.

I wanted to portray this man not in the original form – yes, it’s a character from the Greek Daedalus myth (and I’m writing a book that tells a new story about Daedalus, which is related to these paintings, hence the title “Chronicles of a Myth“) yet I wanted it to stand on its own as well.

That’s why I felt I needed to give him a different name, ‘King Minos’ didn’t sound powerful enough – so I used ‘Emperor Minos’ instead. I hope you enjoy this painting and I wish that this fine Artprint can add aesthetic value to your beautiful home!”


Techniques & Materials used for this Greek mythology painting

It’s a mixed-media painting – created with watercolor, gouache, alcohol markers, gel-pens, black ink and colored pencils.

After the ‘traditional’ part of the painting process the image was scanned in and loaded into a design-program.

The background (colors, splatters, rays, fog, crackles etc.) was then created with digital brushes.

The reason for using a mixed media approach is to give the painting a timeless look that combines the artist’s individual creative expression with tradtion.

Greek Mythology Paintings & More!

Curious to know more about Michael, his art process, his throughts on creativity and his music? Subscribe to his YouTube Channel here!

Also, check out this short behind the scenes video with Michael’s original Emperor Minos composition:


Make sure to check out the other high quality art prints of this series (Chronicles of a Myth)!

Dimensions N/A

A3 Art Print (Paper), A2 Art Print (Paper), Epic CANVAS Print (36 x 24'' / 91 x 61cm )


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The Emperor – Minos – Powerful Greek Mythology Painting – High Quality Fine Artprint – Chronicles of a Myth – Superb Museum-quality Hahnemühle German Etching Paper – Sizes: A3, A2 – also available as a Fine Canvas Print – painted by Michael Cerny
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