Redecorating Your Space can often feel like a whole journey…

If you feel overwhelmed easily by options and possibilities, when it comes to choosing the right décor and art to grace your beautiful space — yes, the existence of choice can actually be a burden in a lot of cases — then this article is meant for you!
Does the apartment or room that you are living in feel like a confined, constricted box that lacks radiance, coziness or a felt aura of “I want to spend my time here, I am grateful for the space I am living in and I feel inspired, uplifted and truly at home”?
You might phrase this sentiment differently, but the gist is this question: Do you feel 100% at home in your environment or do you feel that there is something lacking? Something that you could actually implement in order to feel more comfortable…
I want to unburden you a bit with all the available options and choices that are surrounding you: No matter if you struggle with finding the right design to match your furniture, the most complementary color scheme for the predominant hues in your room — or if you already know exactly in what direction you are aesthetically heading or what atmosphere/emotion you want to evoke with your space, here are some good metaphysical measures on how and what to look out for when choosing art:
1) Reflect on what you and your personality stand for
The more you reflect, the more aware you become. The more aware you become, the more likely you are able to identify certain behavioral patterns, subconscious preferences, likes and dislikes as well as unconscious (instinctual) “pulls” that direct your attention and energy towards a particular element. This element can be something like a book or a piece of music that is truly special to you. It can be a certain genre that you love, a scent or a food-flavor that you adore… It can also be a specific mood, atmosphere or aesthetic feel. Or it might be something that is found within: A certain thought-pattern or emotive pattern that you come back to again and again.
Now, this might be super-subconscious, almost to the point of you not being able to see the pattern — but it definitely can play a major role in your way of being in the world. Of course, your personality represents a quintessential part in how your preferences, aversions, interests, passions etc. have unfolded and are continuing to unfold. But there can be a plethora of other things — millions in fact — that influence what you and your personality stand for…
Reflect with conscious focus and ask yourself, “What does my taste want to tell me and what do I need to satisfy my personality?” & “What do I want to add to or subtract from my space that enhances the parts of myself that I want to allow to grow and flourish?”
This leads us right to then next point:
2) Is it addition or subtraction?
Once you are clear about your personal needs and preferences and what they stand for as well as what your heart wants to tell you, you can now look at your space from a less metaphysical and more practical perspective — through the lens of factual analysis:
“Is my room too cluttered? Do I need to put away some things/hide them in a box?”
“Or do I simply need to rearrange a few elements, like moving the furniture from one corner to another…?”
“Or… Do I need to add something to the space? Is it too minimalistic, too cold and sterile maybe…? Can I add some nice art to it so that it becomes more homely, cozy and inviting?”
Maybe you’ll also ask yourself, “What do I already have in this space that is dear to my heart and what is merely an item that I don’t need? Can I add something to the things that are already here that will enhance their ‘feel’, aesthetic value or emotional value…?”
With these questions in mind, the conversation leads us to the next point:

3) Your surroundings are a mirror of your inner world
Oftentimes we keep things out of nostalgia. Pure and simple.
And there is nothing wrong with that! But perhaps — when looking more closely at our space — we actually don’t need those things on a practical level. Even if that is the case, we might still want to keep it. That’s perfectly fine.
The pattern to look out for is this: Do we have some part of ourselves attached to the object/item/artwork that actually makes us subconsciously sad when we look at it? It’s important to register that sometimes we attach our wounds (emotional pains and heavy memories) to our environment.
These — let’s call them energetic signatures — are part of the structure of the items we possess as much as they are part of our psyche. Certain circuits in our brain get fired up when we interact with these objects in our space. Thereby, our surroundings become a mirror of our inner world in the purest sense of the word.
The reverse can be true as well: If we have good memories and experiences stored in certain objects, then whenever we interact with them, we might feel a sense of joy, serenity or gratitude.
Become aware of what emotions and thoughts are connected to the elements in your space — maybe you want to subtract a few things, before moving on to add new items of value to it.
Make space for space – declutter your mind to free up space from the inside out and investigate how your environment makes you feel. And, ask yourself, “How do I want to feel when I step into this room…?”
4) Let the art choose you instead of you choosing it
It might sound clichéd but there is great truth in the sentiment that we don’t choose certain things, in fact they choose us.
Similar to cats (think of the famous cat distribution system), who sense what owner they want to have, an artwork can choose you to become the owner as well. Of course, a painted canvas has no self-aware and environment-aware consciousness inherent, as is the case with most animals. But — there is still a pull that can be felt, when choosing art that we internally resonate with.
If that pull comes from the heart, it can be attributed to your essence longing for it.
So, to correct the title of this point — maybe we want to say that a higher part of you chooses the artwork and it might feel as if the artwork chose you.
Allow yourself to feel that pull.
And ask yourself, “Is this piece of art something that makes me feel the way I want to feel? Or is it, in the least, bringing me closer to that feeling or state of being that I aim for?”
A more metaphysical way to phrase it would be: Choose according to your soul’s desires.
5) Patterns dictate our life: Seeking out patterns that speak to You
An aesthetic object in our environment is only as valuable as we human beings make it to be: There might be a lot of memories attached to it (whether good or bad doesn’t matter objectively) and there might be a lot of work and energy that went into it. But without at least one person viewing it as valuable, the artwork will not have any resonance.
Ask yourself, “Do I want a gloomier atmosphere with darker colors, black-and-white paintings/drawings and more violent brushstrokes… or do I want to go for a more colorful, vibrant and life-affirming look?”
Every shade in between is just as valid of course. It all depends on your personal preferences and desires. Maybe you want to opt-in for a full-blown fairy-forest-aesthetic with a lot of wood, paintings that include mushrooms and butterflies and that incorporate nature and more pastel-hues in their style or … perhaps you seek out a pattern that has a more strong-colored, vibrant aesthetic that emanates a sense of internal power and has a more mythological flair.
Make sure that you implement the patterns that you want to see around you by choosing the aesthetic styles, motifs, colors, shapes (etc.) that complement those patterns. It sounds simple and it is: Feeling drawn to something particular, having certain interests and passions, usually takes 0% of your conscious energy. Liking and loving and feeling called to get/do something takes almost no effort.
Allow yourself to notice those inner dynamics.
These 5 steps to help you with Redecorating Your Space might feel like a lot of work… but really, they are not – the whole process might just take a few minutes or hours — depending on your individual needs and goals.
By the end of your decorating journey (and it really is a journey for most people), you may find yourself standing in the middle of your room — hands on hips, gaze drifting across the small but wholesome landscape that you carved out around you — thinking with a gentle but heartfully proud nod, ”I just created my own little, perfectly unique hobbit hole and I absolutely love it!!”
Did this post ignite your passion for Redecorating your home? Do the words resonate with you and do they inspire you to take action?
Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. We are eager to hear your opinion on the topic!
And by the way: Did you check out our Art Prints Section yet? Maybe we have the perfect Artwork that wants to grace your beautiful home!